ISU International Office submits documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs that issues the invitation to enter the RF.

Documents required for invitations:

for taking part in a scientific conference: application in English;

for applying for «Russian as a foreign language» program and «Pre-university preparatory course» program: application in Chinese or application in English + Copy of valid international passport;

for applying for the Baikal Summer School: application in Chinese or application in English

for applying for degree programs (Bachelor's degree, Specialist's degree, Master's degree, Postgraduate program, Doctor's degree): application in Russian or application in English + Copy of valid international passport + Documents on the previous level of education;

for applying for degree programs taught in English: application in English + Copy of valid international passport + Documents on the previous level of education;

Consent to the processing of personal data in Russian or English languages.

A foreigner entering the Russian Federation with purposes - "Short-Time Study" («Краткосрочное обучение») as well as "Science & Technology" («Научно-технические связи)» has to pay the fee in an amount of 800 rubles. The fee is paid at the University's Accounting Office.

The procedure of issuing invitation takes 40-60 days from the date of submitting required documents to the ISU International Office.

After getting the electronic invitation a foreigner should apply for Russian visa to the appropriate Russian Consulate/ Embassy in a territory of country.

International citizens coming to ISU with the purposes study, internship, conference must visit the ISU International Office (Karl Marx str., 1, office 304, contact tells: +7 (3952) 20-02-85, 24-22-49) within a day after arrival and submit all documents required for the migration registration: valid passport, visa and a migration card.

Before leaving Irkutsk (upon the expiration of the authorized period of stay) an international student must visit the ISU International Office two days before departure submitting passport, application, exit checklist, tickets.

How enter Russia?
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